Report 2023

“Once again, 2023 revealed the increasingly central role played by energy within the global scene.

In this context, EP Produzione continued to make its contribution to the national electricity system and the energy transition. Work to create new efficient combined cycle units and the Fiume Santo Energy Park are the initial, fundamental steps we are taking to support EPH Group’s efforts toward net-zero by 2050.


In this process, health and safety are primary concerns and we are focused on the younger generations, guided by our key values: People, Responsibility, Competence and Courage.

We are moving forward, together, to create value for our company and all its stakeholders.”

Luca Alippi, Amministratore Delegato

The 2030 Agenda
We intend to play our part in achieving the ambitious goals set by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs).


Plants and

We bring our experience and expertise to Italian families and businesses, ensuring a reliable and safe energy supply.



We are committed to a low-emission future through increasingly efficient power plants and innovative projects such as the Fiume Santo Energy Park.

People are the cornerstone of EP Produzione, which is why we ensure an inclusive environment where each of our employees can grow and contribute.
We aim to contribute to the growth of the regions where we operate by caring for the environment, making community donations, and supporting the local supply chain.