Energy Management

Energy Management is the organisational unit which deals with optimising the generation portfolio of the plants of EPH Group in Italy. The margin is generated through the strategic positioning of the plants on all the market channels: forward, spot and real time.

The organization of Energy Management is divided into the following areas:


It manages sales on all commodities which are typical of coal and gas powered plants, through bilateral negotiations with counterparts or by accessing the OTC and/or central counterpart market platforms.

In addition, the area optimises the generation portfolio over a short-term timeframe, analysing the market scenarios and defining the sale strategies up to the spot, day-ahead and intraday market, organised by the Energy Markets Operator (GME).


It develops and manages accurate market analysis, also aimed at support activity for the other areas of Energy Management and the technical areas of the company, simulating the market and behaviour of the industrial portfolio over the medium term. It establishes the expected generation margin also for the purposes of drawing up the company business plan.
In addition, among the Contract Management activities, it manages the process of preparation and negotiation of standard framework agreements (EFET, I SDA, etc.), it negotiates the gas supply contract for the CCGT and OCGT plants and the energy purchase contract for the auxiliary services of the whole generation park.


It deals with defining the strategies on intraday markets and ancillary services, up to the balancing markets. It manages the sending of purchase and sale offers for all market sessions managed by the GME.

In addition, it is responsible for the retail despatching of plants in real time and is therefore the direct interface with plants and Terna.