At the core of EP Produzione

Luca Alippi, our CEO, talks about our values, the challenges we face and the ambitions we have.

“Our values are what inspire us in everything we do.”

We believe in people’s value.

At EP Produzione we care about each person as a fundamental pillar of the company.
We aim to enhance collaboration because it makes a difference, and we commit to building together a healthy working environment based on mutual trust.

We are responsible towards ourselves, our colleagues, the environment and society.

Every day we give a good example through our behavior. We take personal responsibility for our choices by taking consistent actions for a sustainable and environmentally friendly future.
We take responsibility for preserving our own safety and health, as well as that of those who work with us and for us, by considering it as our daily commitment.

For us, professional competence is a must.

At EP Produzione we value people’s experiences, we take care of their development, potential and professional growth.
We believe that proactivity, commitment, and sharing of expertise are the foundation of a winning long-term strategy.

We are open to change
and encourage innovation.

We want to anticipate changes and propose those needed for innovation.
We take nothing for granted and adopt a critical mindset, fearless of discontinuity, looking for improvement at every opportunity.
Do these values resonate with you as well?
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