Board of Management

Peter Černák

Peter Černák

Chairman of the Board of Directors of EP Produzione S.p.A.and Fiume Santo S.p.A.

Graduate in International Management at the Economics Faculty of Prague University and in Finance & Investments at Rotterdam School of Management (Netherlands).

Started his professional career in 2009, in the Financial Services Risk Management division of Ernst & Young. From 2011 to 2013 worked at Unicredit Management Consultancy.

In 2013 he joined Energetický a Prumyslový Holding dealing with gas (SPP) and electricity (SSE-Distribucia) distribution in Slovakia and managing the Group’s financial risk.

Since 2015 Peter Cernák has followed the activities of the companies in the EPH Group in Italy, as Member of the Board of Directors and as CFO (until 29th April 2019) of EP Produzione S.p.A. and Fiume Santo S.p.A.

Luca Alippi

Luca Alippi

CEO of EP Produzione S.p.A. and Fiume Santo S.p.A.

President and CEO of EP Produzione Centrale Livorno Ferraris S.p.A., CEO of EP Centrale Ostiglia S.p.A. and EP Centrale Tavazzano Montanaso S.p.A., CEO of Ergosud S.p.A.

Graduated in engineering from Milan Polytechnic, Luca Alippi has held executive positions in various energy companies, working both in generation/wholesale and in the retail market.

Since 2016 Member of the Strategic Committee of Assoelettrica and since July 2020 Vice President of Elettricità Futura.

From May 2015 to June 2015 Chief Executive Officer of E.ON Produzione S.p.A.

General Manager of E.ON Energia S.p.A. (electricity and gas sales to business and residential customers) from 2011 to June 2015.

In E.ON since 2000, Luca Alippi set up and led the first companies in Italy dedicated to selling electricity and developing generation capacity.

Member of the Consultative Committee of Terna S.p.A. from 2006 to 2008.

Chairman of AIGET (Italian Association of Energy Wholesalers and Traders) for 2 mandates, from 2005 to 2009.

Chief Executive Officer of Bayernwerk Italia S.p.A. (entry into Italy of the German utility at the start of the liberalisation of energy markets) from 1999 to 2000.

In Roland Berger Consulting from 1991 to 1999.

In Pirelli Pneumatici S.p.A. from 1989 to 1991.

Marek Spurný

Marek Spurný

Member of the Board of Directors of EP Produzione S.p.A. and Fiume Santo S.p.A.

Marek Spurný is a member of the Board of Directors of EPH, Head of the Group’s Legal Office and member of the corporate sector of various subsidiaries.

Since December 2004 he has worked for J&T Group, which subsequently moved its corporate investments into EPH as from 2009.

Born in 1974, he graduated in 1998 at the Law Faculty of the Palacky University Olomouc, in the Czech Republic. After a year’s experience in a local legal office, he worked for the legal department of the Commission of Czech Securities, the government regulator which supervises the capital market.

In November 2000 he was appointed Head of the Commission of the Department for the Issue of Securities, which supervises and regulates binding offers to acquire securities, takeover bids, disclosure obligations for listed companies, prevention of insider trading, cooperation with EU counterparts in the field, etc.

In addition, he represented the Czech Republic on the CESR-Fin (a sub-committee of the Committee of European Securities Regulators for financial reporting). He is also one of the co-authors of the national Code of Corporate Governance based on the principles of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Miroslav Mihaliak

Miroslav Mihaliak

CFO of EP Produzione S.p.A.

Graduated in Finance, Investment and Banking faculty at the Economics Faculty of Economic University in Bratislava (Slovakia). 

Started his professional career in 2009, in the Assurance department of PriceWaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Slovakia. In 2011 he moved to the advisory practice within PwC, focusing on M&A deals and valuations, acting as a manager from 2014. 

In 2016 he joined private equity company Eco-Invest and its M&A and internal business development department and from 2018 he was a Vice Chairman and Director for Investment and Strategy at Tauris Group. 

From 2019 he is the CFO of EP Produzione and project Manager in EP Power Europe, following all group activities in Italy.