Slide Background

Fiume Santo thermoelectric power plant

Fiume Santo thermoelectric power plant is extended over around 153 hectares in the Gulf of Asinara, in the province of Sassari.

The plant, with two coal-fired units in operation and a net installed capacity of around 600 MW.

It is one of the most important power plant in north-west Sardinia.

Environment, health and safety’s protection

Units 3 and 4 have sulphur (DeSOx) and nitrogen oxides (DeNOx) abatement technologies and dust suppression systems.

The plant, equipped with an air quality monitoring network, it is also allowed to burn biomass in co-combustion in the existing coal sections.

Fiume Santo is currently part of the Energy Authority list of essential plants for the grid’s stability. The plant is complied with ISO 14001 Environmental Management System and since 2005 is included in the European EMAS Register.
At the beginning of 2021, the transition to the ISO 45001 management system was completed. In addition, the power plant complies with ISO 9001 certified Quality Management System, developed through a series of processes that contribute to certifying, according to the reference standards, the fly ash and gypsum that are produced allowing them to be completely reused.


Type of plant
Thermoelectric power plant with two coal-fired units

Net installed capacity
599 MW

153 hectares

ISO 9001 (Quality)
EMAS IT 000403, ISO 14001 (Environment)
ISO 45001 (Safety)

Loc. Cabu Aspru, 07100 Sassari (SS)