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Ostiglia thermoelectric power plant

Ostiglia thermoelectric power plant occupies an area of 51 hectares and it is located in the Municipality of Ostiglia, in the province of Mantua, on the left bank of the Po river. The power plant has an installed net capacity of 1,164 MW and it produces electricity using only natural gas.

Three CCGT (Combined Cycle Gas Turbine) units are currently in operation, two with 392 MW capacity and one with 380 MW capacity.
Each unit consists of a gas turbine and a steam generator connected to its own steam turbine.

Environment, health and safety’s protection

The plant is complied with ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems and it is included in the European EMAS Register.
Efficiency and expansion, the future of Ostiglia

The project, presented in July 2020, envisages the construction of a new combined-cycle unit, consisting of a latest-generation ‘H’ class gas turbine: the most advanced and efficient available on the market today. The new unit, with a nominal electrical output of around 880 MW and an efficiency of over 62%, will further reduce specific emissions in accordance with the most stringent national and European guidelines.

The project is in line with the objectives of the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan regarding the decarbonisation and security of the national electricity system.

The Ostiglia new unit has been awarded into the Capacity Market, a mechanism by which Terna (the National TSO) procures the availability of the generation capacity under long-term supply contracts awarded through competitive auctions to face adequacy issues.



Type of plant
Thermoelectric power plant consisting of three CCGT units

Net installed capacity
1.164 MW

51 hectares

EMAS IT 000355, ISO 14001 (Environment)
ISO 45001 (Safety)

Strada Abetone Brennero Est n° 72 – 46035 Ostiglia (MN)