Power plants and market


For us, professional competence is essential

#commitment #sharing #proactivity



our contribution to energy production in Italy in 2023, with 13.7 TWh sold on national market

EMAS Registration

voluntary environmental management system for all power plants, also ISO 14001 (environment) and ISO 45001 (safety) certified

EP Energia

company founded in 2023 involved in the sale of electricity to companies


3.5 GW

allocated by Terna to EP Produzione for new and existing capacity, with delivery expected in 2024

*The figure does not include electricity production from the Scandale power plant.

Our value chain




Thanks to our power plants across the country, we contribute to the country’s energy security by ensuring maximum efficiency, flexibility and programmabilityWe distribute the energy produced in our power plants on energy markets and we are also dispatching users for the plants owned by our subsidiariesThrough EP Energia Italia, we sell electricity to industrial customers, offering high-quality, reliable and competitive services

Availability of our power plants

EP Produzione has a key role as a producer of energy from programmable sources: ensuring that demand is met and serving as a back-up for renewable energy that, by its nature, is subject to fluctuations in terms of availability of the sources used to produce it, such as wind, sun or water resources.

The requirements of the electricity system have changed, specifically as a result of the progressive rolling out of renewable energy forms. Traditional plants, once responsible for producing energy on a constant basis, are now started up to overcome the non-continuity of the alternative production methods

Asset integrity

Managing assets for us means prioritizing the protection of people, the environment, and infrastructure. To this end, EP Produzione has developed a corporate procedure that details the evaluation methodology, timing, and responsibilities of the asset integrity process. The purpose of the guideline is to enhance asset integrity and manage plant risks, including seismic risks through operational procedures and assessment checklists.

+ 20%

the availability index of EP Produzione’s facilities in 2023 compared to 2022
tooltip text

Livorno Ferraris (VC)
805 MW

Tavazzano e Montanaso (LO)
1.170 MW

Ostiglia (MN)
1.164 MW

Fiumesanto (SS)
599 MW

Trapani (TP)
213 MW

Scandale (KR)
814 MW

fThe new capacities of Tavazzano and Montanaso and Ostiglia

Through implementation of two projects to construct efficient new units at the Tavazzano and Montanaso and Ostiglia power plants, EP Produzione plays a leading role in the decarbonization roadmap. The efficiency of the new units will reach 62% for both projects, designed to support the integration of hydrogen in the future, and will serve a crucial role at least until 2035-2040, in the face of a gradual reduction in overall gas production, which will, however, affect the least efficient plants first.


  • The project is in line with the objectives of Italy’s Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan in terms of decarbonization and the security of the national electricity system
  • Reduction of emissions into the atmosphere, thanks to the installation of state-of-the-art technology, in line with the most stringent limits set by the European Community (BAT).
  • Hydrogen future thanks to H-class gas turbines prepared for hydrogen-mix combustion.
  • Spin-offs and opportunities for the local community, in terms of both employment and development and improvement of the production sector’s technical skills
  • Compact dimensions: complete re-use of already existing areas and infrastructure so no additional land is needed
  • Redevelopment of the Borgo San Giovanni area with the demolition of the fuel oil tanks, to make space for the construction of the new unit