(version updated on 15.02.2022)

EP Produzione S.p.A., single shareholder, is aware of the importance of ensuring the security of the personal data collected when you visit the website (hereinafter, “Site”) and, as Data Controller (hereinafter, “Data Controller”), informs you pursuant to art. 13 EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter, “GDPR”) and D.Lgs. n. n. 196/2003, as amended by Legislative Decree n. 101/2018 (hereinafter, “Privacy Code”), that your data will be processed in the following ways and for the following purposes:

1. Object of the Processing

The Data Controller processes personal, identifying and non-specific/sensitive data (hereinafter “Personal Data” or “Data“) collected while your browsing on the website of the Data Controller:

  • name, surname, address, e-mail communicated on the occasion of specific requests made on the Site;
  • traffic data such as the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users connecting to the Site, the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numeric code indicating the status of the response given by the server (good end, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and the computer environment of the user. This information is collected through the cookies described in the Cookie Policy of the website below.

2. Purposes and legal bases of processing​

Your Personal Data are processed, without your prior express consent, for the following service purposes and legal bases:

  • service purposes (art. 6, lit. b) GDPR), ie for:
    – allow you to send contact requests or to receive information material;
    – enable schools, universities and training bodies to make contact requests for the organisation of training visits;
    – ensure the proper functioning of the website, by installing technical cookies not subject to consent;
  • the pursuit of a legitimate interest of the Data Controller (art. 6, lit. f) GDPR), ie for:
    – manage and maintain the Site, monitoring its proper functioning;
    – prevent or ascertain any illegal activities and exercise legal rights;
  • compliance by the Data Controller with legal obligations (art. 6, lett. c) GDPR).

3. Modalities of Data Processing​

The processing of your Personal Data is carried out, electronically, by means of the operations of collection, registration, organization, storage, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, deletion and destruction of Data.

4. Data Retention Time​

The Data Controller will process the Personal Data for the time necessary to fulfil the above purposes and in any case for no later than:

  • up to 2 years from their collection for service purposes;

5. Access to Data​

Your Data may be made accessible for the purposes mentioned above to:

  • employees and/or collaborators of the Data Controller and/or of other companies of the EPH Group, in their capacity as data processors and/or internal data managers and/or system administrators;
  • third-party companies and/or other subjects (for example, hosting Site providers, IT service providers, etc.) who carry out outsourcing activities on behalf of the Data Controller, in their capacity as data processors.

6. Data Communication​

Your Data may be communicated to control bodies, law enforcement agencies or courts, at their express request, which will process them as independent data controllers for institutional purposes and/or by law during investigations and controls.

7. Data Transfer

The Data will not be transferred to a non-EU country.

8. Nature of data provision​

The provision of Data for service purposes is mandatory and in their absence we will not be able to guarantee the services of the Site.

9. Data Subject’s Rights​

We inform you that, as Data Subject, if the limitations laid down by law do not apply, you have the right to:

  • obtain confirmation of the existence or not of Personal Data concerning you, even if not yet registered, and their communication in an intelligible form;
  • obtain an indication and, where appropriate, a copy: a) of the origin and category of personal data; b) of the logic applied in the case of processing carried out with the help of electronic tools; c) of the purposes and methods of processing; d) the identification details of the data controller and those responsible; e) the subjects or categories of subjects to whom personal data may be disclosed or who may become aware of them, in particular if recipients of third countries or international organisations; e) where possible, the data retention period or the criteria used to determine that period;
  • obtain, without undue delay, the updating and correction of inaccurate data or, where it is of interest, the integration of incomplete data;
  • obtain the deletion, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data: a) unlawfully processed; b) no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or subsequently processed; c) if the consent on which the processing is based is withdrawn and there is no other legal basis, d) if you are opposed to the processing and there is no overriding legitimate reason to continue the processing; c) if a legal obligation is fulfilled; f) in the case of data relating to minors. The Data Controller may refuse cancellation only in the case of: a) exercise of the right to freedom of expression and information; b) fulfilment of a legal obligation, performance of a task carried out in the public interest or exercise of public authority; c) the exercise of your right in court; d) the verification of the possible prevalence of the legitimate reasons of the Data Controller with respect to those of the data subject; e) esercizio di un diritto in sede giudiziaria;
  • The Data Controller may refuse cancellation only in the case of: a) exercise of the right to freedom of expression and information; b) fulfilment of a legal obligation, performance of a task carried out in the public interest or exercise of public authority; c) the exercise of your right in court; d) the verification of the possible prevalence of the legitimate reasons of the Data Controller with respect to those of the data subject;
  • receive, where processing is carried out by automatic means, without hindrance and in a structured format, commonly used and readable personal data concerning you to transmit them to another holder or – if technically feasible – to obtain direct transmission from the Data Controller to another holder;
  • oppose, in whole or in part, for legitimate reasons, related to your particular situation, the processing of personal data concerning you, even if relevant to the purpose of the collection;
  • lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.

In the above cases, where necessary, the Data Controller will inform third parties to whom your personal data are disclosed of the possible exercise of rights by you, except in specific cases (e.g. where such performance proves impossible or involves the use of means manifestly disproportionate to the protected right).

10. Procedures for exercising rights​

You may at any time exercise the above rights:

  • by sending a registered letter a.r. to the address of the Data Controller : EP PRODUZIONE S.p.A., with registered office in Rome (RM) in Via Vittorio Veneto 74 CAP 00187;
  • sendi a mail to

11. Data Controller, Data Processor and Data Processors​

The Data Controller is EP Produzione S.p.A. single shareholder, with registered office in Via Vittorio Veneto 74, 00187 – Rome, C.F. and P.IVA 13243061002. The updated list of managers and processors and system administrators is available at the headquarters of the Data Controller.


The Site also makes use of cookies. Below you will find more information about cookies, how they are used on the Site and what control procedures we adopt.

1. What are cookies?​

Cookies are small text files that are sent to your electronic device (PC, tablet, etc.) while browsing a website and that provide certain information. Cookies are then sent back to the source website during each subsequent navigation, or are sent to a different website that is able to recognize the specific Cookie. Cookies act as a memory for a website, allowing the website to recognize your device every time you visit the same website. Cookies also allow you to store your browsing preferences by offering you a more functional experience of the Site, and making the content of the site as personalized as possible.

Web browsers allow you to exercise some control over Cookies through your browser settings. Most browsers allow you to block cookies or block cookies from certain sites. Browsers can also help you delete Cookies when you close your browser. However, you should keep in mind that this could mean that any opt-outs or preferences you have set up on the site will be lost. Please refer to the technical information related to your browser for instructions. If you choose to disable the setting of Cookies or if you refuse to accept a Cookie, some parts of the service may not work properly or may be significantly slower.

2. Types of cookies​
Cookies can be technical, analytical and profiling.

The Site uses only technical cookies which allow us to improve your browsing experience and provide you with all the services offered by the Site, such as:

CookieDeadlinePurpose and supplier
cb-enabled1 yearUsed to request the user’s consent to the use of cookies through the information banner.
has_jsSession terminationUsed to check the implementation status of javascript (active/inactive) on the browser.

3. Purposes​

The technical cookies used by the Site are used to make and facilitate your browsing and to allow you to use the services thereof and are not based on consent. They allow you, in a second login, not to have to re-enter, for example, data such as the login username.

By clicking on “I understand” in the bottom center you can proceed with navigation.

You can also express your options on the use of cookies on the Site and described above also through the settings of/the browser, following the instructions provided below. You can also set the “anonymous browsing” that allows you to browse the internet without saving any information on the sites, the pages visited, any passwords entered and other information parameters.

For information on: Methods of processing, Access to Data, Communication of Data, Rights of the Data Subject, Methods of exercising rights, Data Controller, Data Processors and Agents, read the Privacy Policy above.

The Data Controller

EP Produzione S.p.A.